Ever wanted to have a more luxurious bathing experience? Installing a deeper tub, or soaking tub, might be a great option for you. Even for small bathroom spaces, a deeper tub can keep you happily hot and give you more room to stretch out yet still not crowd the toilet and sink.

Baths have been used for centuries for their many health benefits, but these days, people aren't usually interested in a good long soak. A tub that's too small or too shallow is uncomfortable, and is likely to send you to the shower instead.

Before tossing out the bath water, consider some of the many health benefits of spending some time in the tub:

  • Relax muscles
  • Calm the mind
  • Detoxify
  • Increase circulation
When a bath is more comfortable, we're more likely to spend the time to reap these benefits. Before installing your soaking tub, it's important to consult a licensed, bonded and insured contractor to make sure your floor can support the added weight, and that your hot water heater will be big enough to fill the tub. That said, many models of deeper tubs are able to take up the same, or even less space as their shallower counterparts.

A licensed expert can help you layout your bathroom for optimal space, select the right bathtub design, and provide installation. A soaking tub could be your refuge from the stresses of your day. With the help of the right contractor, you can make it a reality today.