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Firt Impressions are priceless

Recently purchased an amazing home that required some TLC and after getting two bathroom remodel quotes (one from an independent contractor and one from a "Big Box" remodel company) I was left discouraged due to pricing and constant up-sale from the Big Box company and minimal guarantee from the independent contractor. Was ready to throw in the towel. However, i had forgotten i had reached out to several bath remodel companies whereas i subsequently received a call from Bath Planet. The discussion obviously revealed I was already "once bitten" and "twice shy" from the Big Box Company and private contractor. However, I decided to take one more chance and allowed Bath Planet to come to my home and listen as to what they can do for my situation. Bath Planet Representatives Oscar Torres & John Keenan arrived on time and after pleasantries got right to business. Talk about "knowing your audience". This team was already aware as to what i was looking for and were specific to thosw needs. There was no up-selling other than educating me on the existing moisture in the walls. They were both thorough and yet succinct and a matter of fact. Me, being an engineer is my preferance of communication, so i was pleased. Once the plan was in place, they (Bath Planet) offered various options as it realted to payment, including cash and financing. Both of which were easy to process. Over all, i am very pleased with the process so far and looking forward to providing an update to the progress.

Bath Planet

Thank you Scott for taking the time and trusting us to work up an estimate for your bathroom project! Oscar & John are great, and we are so happy they were able to help you design exactly what you were looking for. We are looking forward to working on this project! Thank you for the 5 star review!

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